Findhorn基金会历史 (源自:芬虹基金会 翻译:钱进 )


May 29 2013


The Findhorn Community was begun in 1962 by Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean. All three had followed disciplined spiritual paths for many years. They first came to northeast Scotland in 1957 to manage the Cluny Hill Hotel in the town of Forres, which they did remarkably successfully. Eileen received guidance in her meditations from an inner divine source she called ‘the still small voice within’ and Peter ran the hotel according to this guidance and his own intuition. In this unorthodox way - and with many delightful and unlikely incidents - Cluny Hill swiftly became a thriving and successful four-star hotel. After several years however, Peter and Eileen's employment was terminated, and with nowhere to go and little money, they moved with their three young sons and Dorothy to a caravan in the nearby seaside village of Findhorn.


Findhorn社区是由Peter, Eileen CaddyDorothy Maclean1962年成立的。他们三人都已遵循灵性修行的方式生活了多年。他们最先于1957年至苏格兰北部Forres小镇管理Cluny Hill酒店,在那里他们取得了瞩目的成功。Eileen在冥想中从一个她称为内在的平静的细小的声音的内在神圣之处获得了引导,Peter根据这个引导以及他自己的直觉经营着这家酒店。通过如此不寻常的方式以及许多可喜的及不可能的事件,Cluny Hill迅速地成为了一家生意兴隆的四星酒店。然而在数年以后,PeterEileen的雇佣关系终止了,他们没有钱,无处可去,带着他们三个年幼的儿子和Dorothy搬去了Findhorn附近海边小村庄的一个篷车。

Feeding six people on unemployment benefit was difficult, so Peter decided to start growing vegetables. The land in the caravan park was sandy and dry but he persevered. Dorothy discovered she was able to intuitively contact the overlighting spirits of plants - which she called angels, and then devas - who gave her instructions on how to make the most of their fledgling garden. She and Peter translated this guidance into action, and with amazing results. From the barren sandy soil of the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park grew huge plants, herbs and flowers of dozens of kinds, most famously the now-legendary 40-pound cabbages. Word spread, horticultural experts came and were stunned, and the garden at Findhorn became famous.


靠着失业救济来养活六个人是困难的,所以Peter决定开始种植蔬菜。 篷车公园的土地干且多沙,但是他坚持不懈。Dorothy发现她有能力直觉地与植物的灵性生命进行沟通,她称之为天使,以及天神-给她指示教她如何最大限度开拓他们新建的花园。她和Peter将这指示付诸于行动,并取得了令人惊异的成果。从Findhorn海湾篷车公园这片贫瘠多沙的土壤,长出了多种多样的巨大植物、药草和花卉,最著名的是传奇的40磅的卷心菜。园艺专家慕名而来并大为震惊,于是这个位于Findhorn的花园声名远扬。

Caddy's original caravan comes to Findhorn

caravans at Findhorn 1960s

A community is born

Other people came to join the Caddys and Dorothy in their work and soon the original group of six grew into a small community, committed to their spiritual path and to expanding the garden in harmony with nature. A slim volume of Eileen's guidance entitled God Spoke To Me was published in 1967 by the community's newly formed Findhorn Press and word of this strange but wonderful community spread yet further. Significant friends and supporters of the community in these early days included English new age pioneer Sir George Trevelyan, scottish esotericist R Ogilvie Crombie and Richard St Barbe Baker, ‘the man of the trees’. New community members lived in caravans beside Peter and Eileen's and in specially built cedarwood bungalows which still house guests and workshop participants today. In the late 60s the Park Sanctuary, the largest of our meditation sanctuaries, and the Community Centre, where the community still eats and meets, were built by Peter and community members in accordance with Eileen's guidance.


其他人们也加入Caddy家庭和Dorothy的工作,很快原先6人的小组成为了一个小社团,大家忠于他们精神的引领,与自然相和谐地扩建这个花园。Eileen的一小部分的指引于1967年由社区新设的Findhorn出版社出版,题为上帝对我说 这个陌生但奇妙的社区的话语传播得更广了。社区早期的重要的伙伴及拥护者有英国新世纪先锋George Trevelyan爵士,苏格兰密教士R Ogilvie Crombie树之人”Richard St Barbe Baker。心的社区成员居住在PeterEileen旁边的篷车里和特别建造的松木平房,这些房子如今仍用作客房和参与者的工作坊。 60年代后期,Peter和社区成员根据Eileen的指示,建造了Park Sanctuary(公园圣地)(我们最大的冥想中心场所)和社区中心(社区仍在那里用餐聚会)


In 1970 a young American spiritual teacher named David Spangler arrived in the community and with his partner Myrtle Glines helped to define and organise the spiritual education processes that have been a central pillar of the Findhorn community ever since. A curriculum was established and the work of the ‘University of Light’ began. David and Myrtle lived in the community for three years, during which Findhorn Press published many of David's visionary writings. Today we run almost 200 week-long courses every year as well as conferences, trainings and our busy Outreach programme of educational workshops taken around the world by our workshop leaders.


1970年一个叫David Spangler的年轻的美国灵性教师来到了社区,和他的伙伴Myrtle Glines一起帮助定义并创办了灵性教育方法,这成为了Findhorn社区的中心支柱。他们设立了总课程并开始了光明大学的工作。DavidMyrtle在社区居住了3年,期间Findhorn出版社出版了David许多预言的作品。今天我们每年有200周长度的课程,以及会议、培训和繁忙的Outreach项目(由我们研讨会负责人们在全世界各地组办的教育研讨会).


In 1972 the community was formally registered as a Scottish Charity under the name The Findhorn Foundation and in the 1970s and 80s grew to approximately 300 members. In 1975 the Foundation purchased Cluny Hill Hotel as a centre for its educational courses and for members' accommodation, renaming it Cluny Hill College. In the late 70s the Universal Hall, our centre for the arts, was built by volunteer work. Behind its fantastic stained glass facade are housed a modern theatre and concert hall, a holistic café, dance and recording studios, and offices.

1972年社区正式注册为一家苏格兰慈善团体,名为Findhorn基金会,并且在7080年代成长为有大约300个成员。1975年基金会收购了Cluny Hill酒店作为其教育课程和会员住宿的中心,并且将其改名为Cluny Hill学院。在70年代后期,我们的艺术中心 “宇宙厅”由大家志愿建成。在它绚丽的彩色玻璃的背后,坐落着一座现代剧场和音乐厅,一个[整体的]咖啡馆,舞厅和录音棚,及办公室。

David, Eileen, Peter and Dorothy at Findhorn

vegetable garden at Findhorn

Throughout the 1970s and 80s further volumes of Eileen's and Dorothy's guidance were published including Eileen's best seller, Opening Doors Within, a collection of daily inspirations which has been translated into more than 30 languages. Dorothy's autobiography, To Hear The Angels Sing, was published in 1980. In 1982 the Foundation bought its home, the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park. Also acquired in the 1980s were neighbouring Cullerne House, whose gardens became the centre of organic vegetable production, and Drumduan House in Forres, where community members established the Moray Steiner School. Eileen's autobiography, Flight Into Freedom, was published in 1989.

20世纪7080年代间,EileenDorothy的指导被大量出版,其中包括了Eileen的畅销书“打开内在之门,这本搜集了每日灵感的书被翻译成了30多种语言。Dorothy的自传听天使唱歌“在1980年出版。1982年基金会买下了它的故乡Findhorn海湾篷车公园,并于80年代收购了毗邻的Cullerne House,其花园成为了有机植物生产中心;还买下了ForresDrumduan House,社团成员们在那里建立了Moray Steiner学校。Eileen的自传”飞向自由1989年出版。


The Ecovillage and worldwide network


At the end of the 1980s, the Ecovillage Project at Findorn was begun, with an energy producing wind generator and the first of our eco-friendly buildings. An ecovillage is defined as being sustainable ecologically, economically, culturally and spiritually, and for us this is a logical continuation of our work with nature. Our original caravans are being gradually phased out as new cutting-edge eco-houses are built to the highest standards in many practical and beautiful designs. There are now 90 ecological buildings, and in the mid 1990s our biological sewage treatment plant, The Living Machine, was opened. We are part of the rapidly growing Global Ecovillage Network which links ecovillage projects worldwide.


In 1997 the Foundation was recognised as an official Non-Governmental Organisation associated with the Department of Public Information of United Nations, and actively participates in a variety of UN events.

In the 1990s the community began to expand beyond the Findhorn Foundation in a new way, as many people came to live nearby, attracted to the Foundation, or decided to settle nearby after leaving their work with the Foundation. The community of people living nearby to the Foundation began to outgrow the Foundation itself. Today the Findhorn Foundation is the central educational and organisational heart of a widely diversified community of several hundred people, spanning dozens of holistic businesses and initiatives, all linked by a shared positive vision for humanity and the earth, and a commitment to the deep and practical non-doctrinal spirituality established in the Findhorn community by its founders.

1997年基金会被任命为同联合国公共信息部合作的官方非政府组织, 积极地参与着联合国各种活动。由于许多人都因基金会,慕名而来到附近住下,或在离开他们的工作后决定来到基金会附近安顿下来,90年代社区开始以一种新的超越Findhorn基金会的方式来发展。住在基金会附近的社区开始发展得比基金会本身要快。如今Findhorn基金会是几百人的广泛多元化社区的中心教育及组织架构的心脏,生成了许多整体的业务,这都是由共同对人类和地球积极的愿景以及对Findhorn社区创始人创立的深远且实践的灵性的奉献而连结着的。

ecohouses being built at Findhorn

growing organic vegetables at Findhorn

Thousands of people who have lived here have taken what they have experienced at Findhorn out into the wider world. They are workshop leaders, authors, economists, scientists, artists, IT specialists, film makers, ecologists and plain people living a conscious, holistic-based life. We are also blessed with tens of thousands of friends and supporters around the globe, who further extend our network of light, including our Global Network and Resource People. In addition the Findhorn Foundation has over a hundred Fellows, individuals whom we honour and appreciate for their transformative work in the world and their connections to our community.

成千上万在此居住过的人们将他们在Findhorn所经历的带到外面更广阔的世界。他们是研讨会的负责人、作家、经济学家、科学家、艺术家、IT专家、电影制作者、生态学家以及有意识地生活着的平常百姓。我们同样受到成千上万来自全球的朋友们与支持者们的祝福,他们更进一步的扩展我们的光明网络,包括我们的全球网络与资源人(Global Network and Resource People)。此外Findhorn基金会还有上百的同事(?Fellow,我们尊敬并感激他们在全球(为基金会)所做的工作以及他们与我们社区的链接。


Peter Caddy left the community in 1979 to work internationally. He came back to visit Findhorn regularly until his death in Germany in 1994. Peter's autobiography, In Perfect Timing, was published in 1997. Eileen Caddy lived a long and inspiring life in the community and died peacefully at home in 2006. Dorothy Maclean, having lived in North America for a number of years and been actively involved in leading workshops around the world, has returned to Findhorn and lives in the Community.

Peter Caddy1979年离开社区开展国际化的工作。直至他1994年在德国去世之前,他都定期回Findhorn探访。Peter的自传“完美的时机”在1997年出版。Eileen Caddy在社区过着长寿且令人鼓舞的生活,并于2006年在家中安详去世。Dorothy Maclean,之前在北美洲生活数年,并积极地在全球组织着研讨会,之后回到Findhorn并生活在社区中。

Further reference



上帝对我说       Eileen Caddy (Findhorn出版社)


Findhorn花园    Findhorn社区(Harper Collins


听天使唱歌        Dorothy Maclean Harper Collins


打开内心之门      Eileen Caddy Findhorn出版社)


飞向自由          Eileen Caddy Findhorn出版社)


内心的王国     Alex Walker编辑(Findhorn出版社)

关于Findhorn基金会历史和工作作品的选集,作者有David Spangler, Peter Caddy, Eileen Caddy, Myrtle Glines, William Blook, Dorothy Maclean以及许多其他人。

简单地筑造绿色  John TalbottFindhorn出版社)


完美的时机      Peter CaddyFindhorn出版社)

Peter Caddy的自传

The following is a short selection from the many books about the Findhorn community.

God Spoke To Me by Eileen Caddy (Findhorn Press)
The first book of Eileen's Guidance - still in print after 40 years.

The Findhorn Garden by The Findhorn Community (Harper Collins)
The story of the community's early days.

To Hear The Angels Sing by Dorothy Maclean (Lindisfarne Press)
Dorothy's autobiography.

Opening Doors Within by Eileen Caddy (Findhorn Press)
Daily selections from Eileen's Guidance.

Flight Into Freedom by Eileen Caddy (Findhorn Press)
Eileen's autobiography.

The Kingdom Within edited by Alex Walker (Findhorn Press)
A selection of writings on the history and work of the Findhorn Foundation by David Spangler, Peter and Eileen Caddy, Myrtle Glines, William Bloom, Dorothy Maclean and many others.

Simply Build Green by John Talbott (Findhorn Press)
A guide to the principles and methods of eco-building.

In Perfect Timing by Peter Caddy (Findhorn Press)
Peter Caddy's autobiography.

ecohouse in the sun at Findhorn

inside the Living Machine at Findhorn community



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